Professional Indemnity Insurance for Virtual Assistants from Poland

The Best Possible Protection with Professional Indemnity Insurance for Digital Professions
- Wrong numbers, spelling mistakes and translation errors insured
- Protection against written warnings, infringements of rights and data losses
- Instant insurance protection with online application
- Personal contact partner throughout, from first contact to reporting a claim (no call centre)
- Global insurance coverage
- Protection against slight and gross negligence

Indemnity Insurance Seal for your Principals
- Individual and comprehensive insurance protection
- High coverage sums for financial losses
- No-claims evidence going back five years Professional Indemnity Insurance: Perfect for Virtual Assistants from Poland’s Professional Indemnity Insurance is ideal for protecting Polish service providers in the assistance sector. In the event of damages, the insurer handles everything – from examination of claims to payment of compensation.
Get Professional Indemnity Insurance for Virtual Assistants in Just 10 Minutes
Why choose
- Talk to a real person - no call centre!
- We know what your daily worklife is like, meaning we know what you need
- Our insurance conditions are tailored to your business
- We handle your damages immediately
- We make sure that your insured damage event is also resolved!
- We also insure against unusual risks (e.g. contract liability, contract penalties)

Comprehensive Coverage: Indemnity Insurance for Virtual Assistants from Poland
Accounting today, controlling tomorrow, telephone service the day after? As a virtual assistant, you’re always taking on new jobs for your customers. Even a small mistake here, like a missed appointment, can cause extensive damage. So choose an insurance policy that adapts to your requirements: with Professional Indemnity Insurance for Digital Professions, you get blanket coverage for your profession in Poland meaning you’re well protected against future challenges.
Do you operate your own website and use social media, or do you handle these services for your customers? Written warnings because of infringements of rights (copyright, trademark law) are reviewed and either rejected or accepted as part of our Passive Legal Expenses Insurance.
Testimonials for
Polish Virtual Assistants Take Note: Here Are Some of the Risks You May Face
Typical cases where our Indemnity Insurance for Virtual Assistants is by your side:
- You receive a written warning about a copyright infringement because you’re using screenshots of a customer’s homepage as a reference on your website and the customer mistakenly doesn’t have the rights to these images.
- You booked the wrong flight and your client missed an important appointment. Now he’s demanding that you cover the costs for a new flight, cancellation fees and the accommodation costs he has incurred. He is also claiming loss of earnings for the time he wasted.
- You overlook a deadline and a lucrative order fails to materialise. Your customer demands compensation.