Chaos Strikes Back: A Galactic Damage Event For Star Wars Day
It's not easy being a bounty hunter in this galaxy. Demanding clients, dangerous missions and a constant willingness to travel are just three of the things that make this job quite difficult. Add to that a clumsy apprentice and the chaos is inevitable...
Somewhere In a Galaxy Far, Far Away...
Some things won't change for freelancers and the selfemployed, even in another distant future. They have to take care of many things at the same time and are responsible for everything related to their business. This also applies to our nameless bounty hunter. One morning, he realised that the communication system of his BTL Y-wing starfighter had stopped working. The right replacement part had to be found - urgently. What do you have an apprentice for? So the bounty hunter sends his apprentice out to fix the problem. The apprentice actually finds a dealer who can provide the right spare part and installs it in the starfighter.
The bounty hunter has more important things to deal with and therefore doesn't take a closer look at the item. Even though the order books are quite full, he wants to promote his offer, preferably with a catchy slogan on his starfighter. After some thought, the bounty hunter finally finds the inspiration he needs: "May the Force be with you". That definitely has recognition value. Satisfied, he places the slogan clearly legible on the side of his ship.
Collateral Damage During Combat
The repair of the starfighter and the creation of the slogan come at just the right time: a new, lucrative mission is on the horizon! The trading planet Corellia is suffering from a massive pirate problem - a bounty should attract brave hunters and remedy the situation. As the motto for most bounties is "first come, first served", the bounty hunter and his apprentice immediately board the starfighter with the freshly painted slogan. He hopes to find the culprits first and collect the bounty alone.
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The search for the pirates is finally crowned with success on the neighbouring planet Selonia. In order not to startle the gang, the bounty hunter lands the ship at a safe distance. He and his apprentice want to tackle the pirates on foot. Of course, they have no intention of simply surrendering. In the course of the battle, the two get into serious trouble, but unexpectedly receive support from a third party. A Mandalorian bounty hunter scatters the pirate gang and helps to capture the leader. In the heat of the battle, however, the trainee makes a fatal mistake: he waves his blaster around so clumsily that he shoots a huge notch in the Mandalorian's valuable Beskar armour. Needless to say, the Mandalorian is less than pleased. In addition to his share of the bounty, he now demands a considerable sum to repair his armour. The bounty hunter agrees - he knows that the warlike people will not compromise.
Cyberattacks and Hot Tea
On the way back to Corellia, the bounty hunter wants to report the more or less successful completion of the mission to the trading centre. When he switches on the communications, however, he realises that the system is infected with a virus and he is unable to make contact with the outside world. Apparently the spare part installed was not entirely free of defects. So the bounty hunter and his apprentice have no choice but to fly back to Corellia without notice and collect the bounty.
Once they arrive at their destination, the reception is rather underwhelming. The attempted contact via the starfighter's infected communication system had apparently caused the virus to spread to Corellia's systems. The centre of the trading planet was thus paralysed for several days and had lost a lot of money - which it naturally demanded back from the bounty hunter. After this bad news, the bounty hunter and his apprentice first provide themselves with a little refreshment to regain their strength after all the exertion. Equipped with a mug of hot Gatalentan tea, they track down the official who hands over the bounty. During this transaction, the bounty hunter's cup slips and the boiling hot contents spill over the trade official's hands. Fortunately, the man is only slightly injured, but will not be able to do his job for a while. He promises not to pursue the incident any further if the bounty hunter pays for the treatment costs and makes up for the loss of earnings.
After this run of bad luck, there is not much left of the bounty. When they return home, however, they find the next nasty surprise. A hologram with a written warning from the Jedi Order is waiting for the bounty hunter and his apprentice. The otherwise peaceful guardians of the galaxy are not at happy about the theft of their motto "May the Force be with you". They demand that the bounty hunter stop this trademark infringement immediately. They want him to remove the slogan from his starfighter and pay a tidy sum in damages.
Infringements of rights are the most common causes of damage. The portal operator in this damage event also violated trade mark law: Written Warning! Portal Operator Uses Brand Logo Without Approval.
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Vivien Gebhardt is an online editor at exali. She creates content on topics that are of interest to self-employed people, freelancers and entrepreneurs. Her specialties are risks in e-commerce, legal topics and claims that have happened to exali insured freelancers.
She has been a freelance copywriter herself since 2021 and therefore knows from experience what the target group is concerned about.