
Advertising can be expensive
10.000 Euros of damage: Damage Events concerning Bratwurst and an SUV
Two agencies, 10.000 euros damage and an SUV and bratwurst are to blame. We show you how they’re related in the video.

Without Insurance Jargon!
What is Personal Indemnity Insurance?
We explain in a very simple and understandable way what professional indemnity insurance is, what damage it covers and who even needs its.

Avoid Mistakes
OKR for Businesses: These are the Mistakes you Should Avoid
A lot can go wrong with the introduction of OKR. In the video we show you which mistakes you should avoid so OKR can be a real success for you.

A Software Development Trend
Low-Code: Now Anyone Can Be a Programmer!
With the “low-coding” programming trend, you save time and money in business by creating apps and applications yourself easily – all without any programming knowledge.

Dealing with a Google Penalty Properly
Received a Google Penalty? This Is the Correct Way to Proceed as a Site Operator
A Google penalty can be dangerous for any business. Why Google issues penalties, what types of penalties there are and how website operators should act after a Google penalty.

Find a Flexible and Secure Solution
Setting up IT Infrastructure for a Start-up: The Stuff You Can’t Ignore!
There’s one thing the IT infrastructure of a start-up has to be above all else: flexible! Here, founders can find out what else they ought to pay attention to when setting up, what the benefits and drawbacks of the cloud are and what’s important when it comes to IT security.

With These 9 Tips on Creating a Landing Page
With These 9 Tips on Creating a Landing Page
So prospectives become customers
Landing Page for Freelancers: 9 Tips
The landing page is, so to speak, the entrance to a freelancer’s business. So it’s all the more important that it looks good. And it will – if you follow our 9 tips for a good landing page!
The landing page is, so to speak, the entrance to a freelancer’s business. So it’s all the more important that it looks good. And it will – if you follow our 9 tips for a good landing page!
The landing page is, so to speak, the entrance to a freelancer’s business. So it’s all the more important that it looks good. 9 tips for a good landing page.