Real Damage Event
Real Exali Damage Event: Comma Error Causes the Cost Of Facebook Advertising To Explode
18.02.2022 Expensive Facebook Campaign
Real Exali Damage Event: Comma Error Causes the Cost Of Facebook Advertising To Explode
A Real exali Damage Event: Fake CEO Steals More Than 3.000 Euros
11.02.2022 Fake CEO Rips Off App Developers
A Real exali Damage Event: Fake CEO Steals More Than 3.000 Euros
Become an Influencer on TikTok: Here’s What it’s All About!
07.02.2022 Expert Interview with Petru Leuthold from INFLZR Magazine
Become an Influencer on TikTok: Here’s What it’s All About!
5 Tips for Good Password Management in Business
04.02.2022 Password Strength, Training and Authentication
5 Tips for Good Password Management in Business
Real Exali Damage Event: Cyber Criminals Turn Consulting Firm into Bitcoin Mine!
28.01.2022 Hacker Attack on Consulting Firm
Real Exali Damage Event: Cyber Criminals Turn Consulting Firm into Bitcoin Mine!
Google Publishes Construction Kit for Game Developers
17.01.2022 Support For Android Game Developers
Google Publishes Construction Kit for Game Developers
Facebook Business: What Content Facebook Deletes and What You Have to Delete Yourself
14.01.2022 Hatred, Agitation and Profanity
Facebook Business: What Content Facebook Deletes and What You Have to Delete Yourself
How you Can Protect your Business against Critical Vulnerabilities in Operating Systems  or Software
10.01.2022 Hacking attacks from Within
How you Can Protect your Business against Critical Vulnerabilities in Operating Systems or Software
Cybercrime 2021: Online crime at record level thanks to Covid
27.12.2021 Cybercrime 2021
Cybercrime 2021: Online crime at record level thanks to Covid
Data Protection: 2021 is the Year with the Highest Fines to Date
20.12.2021 Record GDPR Penalties
Data Protection: 2021 is the Year with the Highest Fines to Date
8 Tips for more Sustainability in Companies
17.12.2021 Suggestions for Greater Climate and Environmental Protection
8 Tips for more Sustainability in Companies
The T-shaped Marketer: A Concept for Successful Marketing Teams
13.12.2021 Allrounder with expert knowledge
The T-shaped Marketer: A Concept for Successful Marketing Teams
A Real exali Damage Event Drone Crashes over a Car Dealership
10.12.2021 Drone Accident During Video Shoot
A Real exali Damage Event Drone Crashes over a Car Dealership
Lawsuits Against Game Developers: 5 Real Cases from the Video Game Industry
06.12.2021 Cyberpunk 2077, GTA V and more
Lawsuits Against Game Developers: 5 Real Cases from the Video Game Industry
A Real-Life exali Damage Event: Forgotten Confirmation Causes 4.000 Euros Damage
03.12.2021 Insufficient Care When Applying For Funding?
A Real-Life exali Damage Event: Forgotten Confirmation Causes 4.000 Euros Damage
Twitch for Business: How to Use the Platform as a Self-Employed Person or a Company
29.11.2021 Integrate Livestreams into Marketing
Twitch for Business: How to Use the Platform as a Self-Employed Person or a Company
A Software Error at Pharmacies Resulted in Incorrect Information on Medications
26.11.2021 IT Problem with E-Medication
A Software Error at Pharmacies Resulted in Incorrect Information on Medications
How Intentionally “Creative” Ideas Can Ruin Your Marketing Campaign
22.11.2021 When advertising overshoots the mark
How Intentionally “Creative” Ideas Can Ruin Your Marketing Campaign
Update: Instagram Plans a Subscription Model
19.11.2021 Support For Content Creators
Update: Instagram Plans a Subscription Model
Regulatory Authorities are Investigating Possible Infringements of Data Protection Laws by TikTok
15.11.2021 Data Protection Violation: Penalty against Social Media App
Regulatory Authorities are Investigating Possible Infringements of Data Protection Laws by TikTok
How Faulty Software Resulted in Hundreds of Innocent Employees Ending Up in Jail
12.11.2021 IT Bug at the British Post Office
How Faulty Software Resulted in Hundreds of Innocent Employees Ending Up in Jail
Customer Acquisation, Start-ups, Covid-19: An Interview with a Specialist about the Daily Work of Freelancers
08.11.2021 Interview with Expert Nick Oestreich from Uplink
Customer Acquisation, Start-ups, Covid-19: An Interview with a Specialist about the Daily Work of Freelancers
A Real-Life exali Damage Event - Loss of Data on Your own Hard Drive
05.11.2021 Data Backup Missing
A Real-Life exali Damage Event - Loss of Data on Your own Hard Drive
Software Error Causes Extended Sentences: IT Chaos in US Prison
Software Chaos in a Prison
Software Chaos in a Prison
Software Error Causes Extended Sentences: IT Chaos in US Prison
A Real exali Damage Event: Fake CEO Steals More Than 3.000 Euros
Fake CEO Rips Off App Developers
A Real exali Damage Event: Fake CEO Steals More Than 3.000 Euros
5 Tips for Good Password Management in Business
Password Strength, Training and Authentication
5 Tips for Good Password Management in Business
Google Publishes Construction Kit for Game Developers
Support For Android Game Developers
Google Publishes Construction Kit for Game Developers
How you Can Protect your Business against Critical Vulnerabilities in Operating Systems  or Software
Hacking attacks from Within
How you Can Protect your Business against Critical Vulnerabilities in Operating Systems or Software
Data Protection: 2021 is the Year with the Highest Fines to Date
Record GDPR Penalties
Data Protection: 2021 is the Year with the Highest Fines to Date
The T-shaped Marketer: A Concept for Successful Marketing Teams
Allrounder with expert knowledge
The T-shaped Marketer: A Concept for Successful Marketing Teams
Lawsuits Against Game Developers: 5 Real Cases from the Video Game Industry
Cyberpunk 2077, GTA V and more
Lawsuits Against Game Developers: 5 Real Cases from the Video Game Industry
Twitch for Business: How to Use the Platform as a Self-Employed Person or a Company
Integrate Livestreams into Marketing
Twitch for Business: How to Use the Platform as a Self-Employed Person or a Company
How Intentionally “Creative” Ideas Can Ruin Your Marketing Campaign
When advertising overshoots the mark
How Intentionally “Creative” Ideas Can Ruin Your Marketing Campaign
Regulatory Authorities are Investigating Possible Infringements of Data Protection Laws by TikTok
Data Protection Violation: Penalty against Social Media App
Regulatory Authorities are Investigating Possible Infringements of Data Protection Laws by TikTok
Customer Acquisation, Start-ups, Covid-19: An Interview with a Specialist about the Daily Work of Freelancers
Interview with Expert Nick Oestreich from Uplink
Customer Acquisation, Start-ups, Covid-19: An Interview with a Specialist about the Daily Work of Freelancers
Software Error Causes Extended Sentences: IT Chaos in US Prison
Software Chaos in a Prison
Software Chaos in a Prison
Software Error Causes Extended Sentences: IT Chaos in US Prison
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