Trademark Infringement: An IT Service Provider Forgets to Do his Trademark Research
Extensive trademark research is part of registering a new trademark. But in this real damage event both the IT service provider and his client “forgot” to do it.
Social engineering: When People Become a Risk
Cybercriminals are using social engineering more and more frequently – and above all more and more successfully – as a way of launching attacks. This article tells you how to protect your business and employees.
Lost Customer Key: IT Service Provider Causes 1.400 Euros in Damage
Because he lost the key to his client’s office, an IT service provider faced a claim for compensation of 1.400 euros. Find out how he got through this faux pas and how his Professional Indemnity Insurance helped him:
IT Risks: Lessons Learned and Precautions For Your Business
The IT sector isn’t spared from mistakes, bad luck, and breakdowns. As annoying as that may be for those affected – these damage events show you what you urgently need to keep in mind for IT security. We’ve summed up the lessons learned from these incidents for you in our current article.
Videos For Business: How to Use Moving Images Optimally
Everyone talks about images but not enough about videos: This article tells you how you can increase your sales with videos about your products or services and what you should keep in mind.
How to Protect Yourself from Cyberattacks via Adobe Cloud
Working in the Adobe Cloud saves money, time and offers a lot of flexibility. To ensure that these advantages don’t become a gateway for hackers, creative people should take a few security measures – we’ll tell you what to do.
Cyber Risks: This Threatens You and this is How You Can Protect Yourself
Cyber risks is a more important topic than ever as many companies fear business interruptions due to a hacker attack. The good news is that you are not defenseless against these attacks. Find out here how to establish adequate security standards and protect yourself.
Google Ads: Everything you Need to Know for Successful Advertising Campaigns
Want to use Google Ads for your business but don’t know where to start? We have summarised numerous tips and information about Google advertisements in our little guide.
Live Chat For Your Business: What you Need to Consider
Faster response times, higher conversion rates, happier customers: There are many reasons to use live chat in your business. But, who should use it and what do you need to look out for? We clarify the most important questions about live chat in customer service.
Customer Journey: How to Ensure a Successful Customer Journey
What does you customer’s journey look like? What do they experience when they come into contact with your product/service for the first time and ideally buy from you? Creating a customer journey map will help to improve this customer journey.
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & co.: An Overview of the Risks in Social Media
Data protection, legal notice obligation, networks such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter are not a legal vacuum. We’ve taken a closer look at some of the risks you should know when using social media for business.
The Fake President Trick: When Scammers Pretend to Be the CEO
Fake emails, calls using a voice simulation program – CEO fraud is one of the most successful social engineering attacks that cybercriminals use to swindle billions. We’ll show you how to spot the scam and protect your business.
Meetings and Data Protection: How to Schedule Appointments In a GDPR-Compliant Manner
Data protection is also involved when arranging meetings. With his meetergo software, Dominik Rapacki wants to enable freelancers, entrepreneurs and the self-employed to schedule appointments in a GDPR-compliant manner. In our interview, he tells us exactly how this works and why data protection-compliant meeting software can enrich any business.
Google Ads Error: 15,000 Euros in Damages for a Misplaced Check Mark
Google Ads campaign paused because of a wrong click - this mistake caused an agency to receive a claim of compensation in the amount of 15,000 euros. This real damage event from our archive shows what Professional Indemnity Insurance does for you in the event of a claim.
Competition Fail Causes 400.000 Euros in Damages for McDonald’s
Expensive competition glitch at McDonalds: Because the app didn’t work properly, there were six winners at the Monopoly competition instead of two - leading to a loss of 400.000 Euros. This article tells you why such a mistake can also be expensive for IT service providers.
Mixed-Up Numbers: IT Expert Causes Damage Amounting to 14.000 Euros
CEO Fraud: How to Recognise this Trick and Protect your Business
CEO fraud or fake president trick is type of spear-phishing email attack in which the attacker impersonates the CEO or someone from senior management and aims to trick your employees. In this video, we show you how to recognize the signs and train your team to avoid to fall for it.
Let’s Plays: Copyright and Other Risks in Gaming Content
Play games and earn money? The dream of being a content creator for Let's Play videos or streams also comes with some legal risks. This article tells you what you need to consider when using gaming content and how you can protect yourself.
Legally Secure Newsletter Marketing: This Is what you Need to Know
Newsletters are a very important and effective tool for communicating with existing and prospective customers. This article discusses the legal requirements you have to comply with and what you should generally keep in mind when using newsletters:
Self-Publishing: Tips on How to Publish and Market Your Own Book
A lot of people dream of writing their own book. We talk to Jeanette Lagall from the Selfpublisher Association about how this dream can also become a reality away from traditional publishing houses and how authors can get their work out to readers.
Professional Indemnity: Who Needs it and Who Does Not?
Who needs Professional Indemnity and who does not? For some professions it is mandatory to have Professional Indemnity Insurance and for some it is sensible – in our new video we explain who has to have it and who really should.
Learning Programming for Freelancers – What’s the Point?
Dr. Julia Freudenberg from the Hacker School is convinced that programming is not only fun, but can help freelancers advance in any business. In an interview, she talks to us about how people of all ages and industries can learn more about IT.
What Does your Professional Indemnity Do for you?
What does Professional Indemnity actually do in the event of a claim? Quite a lot! Using three examples, we show you in this video what your Professional Indemnity Insurance does when you report a claim.
Brand Safety: Tips for your Business
Poorly placed advertisements - i.e. advertising in an environment that does not suit your brand or your company - can result in enormous damage to your image. Find out what you should consider for brand safety and why brand suitability is just as important in the current article.