5 Risks Freelance Copywriters Should Be Aware of
Copyright, faulty research, missed deadlines or the risk of a SLAPP lawsuit: In this article we summarise five risks that freelance copywriters should be aware of.
Cyber Security Tips for Entrepreneurs and SMEs
Cybersecurity for entrepreneurs and businesses: Dominik Münsterer from DeltaSecure spoke with us about cybersecurity basics, the risks of mobile devices and other topics.
Reference Marketing: This Is What You Need to Know
References are valuable and a good advertisement for potential clients. Find out what you should consider when using references in this article.
Top 5 Business Start-up Mistakes to Avoid
Half of all start-ups fail in the first six years. To ensure your business isn't one of them, we've summarised the top five entrepreneurial mistakes, including tips on how to avoid them.
Last Chance General Liability - Employee Demolishes Skylight
One tug too hard and the skylight in the office is gone. It's good to have General Liability Insurance for such cases - like the IT service provider in our damage event:
EU Drone Regulation: These Rules Apply Regarding Drones
More and more drones are on the move in European airspace. High time for uniform regulations, thought the EU Commission and issued the EU Drone Regulation.
Ghostwriting: Liability, Legal Situation and A Real Damage Event
Is ghostwriting a legal offence? Here we summarised all relevant facts about ghostwriting - in literature as well as in science and academic work.
Founding an Online Magazine - Opportunities and Risks
Christoph Hein runs a portal focusing on the topic of fishing, in an interview he talked to us about the creation of the magazine and possible risks.
5 Business Risks Freelancers Should Know About
Legal infringements, cybercrime, professional errors, data protection and property damage - as a freelancer, you should keep an eye on these business risks.
Editor Overlooks Embargo Period: City Loses Subsidy Worth Millions
In order to enable the renovation of the museum, the city of Ulm applied for a grant from the federal government. The chances of success were good - until an overlooked embargo period and a premature press release shattered the dream.
Web Shop Project Fail: A Real exali Damage Event
A customer sued for damages because an agency had not properly implemented their web shop project. We sum up the outcome of this story for you in our latest article.
Founding Abroad: Tips for the Self-employed and Startups
What should founders consider when wanting to start their business abroad? We talked about this in an interview with the experts Alexandros Dohn and Badr Moudden from K2Match.
ChatGPT: Do AI-based Texts Violate Copyright?
ChatGPT promises to make work easier for different industries. But what should be considered from a copyright perspective when using AI-based content?
IT Freelancer Ruins Advertising: Financial Loss Insurance Kicks In
A case for Financial Loss Insurance: An IT freelancer from Poland not only ruined a marketing campaign, but also triggered a heavy legal dispute because he made a programming error.
Hacker Attack: How to Protect Your Business from Cybercrime
A cyberattack on your business may also impact your customers. We show you how you can optimally protect your Polish business from the consequences of cybercrime.
Working Remotely Abroad: Five Risks Self-Employed Digital Nomads Should Be Aware Of
Remote work as a life model: More and more people are living and working as digital nomads all over the world. We show you which risks you should keep in mind.
Ad Agency Orders Wrong Advertising Material – a Real Damage Event
A little carelessness can quickly have expensive consequences: That’s what happened with an advertising agency that ordered the wrong advertising material for its clients. Read about how this real exali claim ended in the current article.
Trouble at a Photo Shoot: Self-Employed Photographer Damages Sculpture
Small misstep, big damage: A sculpture worth 23.000 euros and a self-employed person who wasn’t paying attention in an artist’s studio for just a moment - a bizarre damage event from the exali files.
Unauthorised Use of Music at Fashion Event - a Real Damage Event
It’s complicated: This sentence really sums up the regulations for the commercial use of music well. An IT service provider insured by exali really got a taste of this in this real damage event.
Damage Events of 2022 That We Will Remember
Missing documents, Trojans and fake CEOs: This isn’t the plot of a film but our 2022 annual review of damage events!
Cybercrime and Digital Nomads: The IT Topics of 2022
Why cybersecurity is becoming more and more important, what damage events happened to IT service providers in 2022 and why digital nomads are on the rise: We’ve summed up these and other topics in our IT review.
Mastodon: How the Social Network Works
Tooting instead of Tweeting: Mastodon works differently from Twitter and other social networks in many ways. In this article, we tell you how the Fediverse works, who can benefit from it, and what you should consider.
Lego versus YouTuber: How a Trademark Lawsuit Alienated Loyal Fans
Lego takes rigorous action against trademark infringement, including against enthusiastic Lego fans and successful YouTubers. Why Lego doesn’t have much choice and why we may soon have to say click bricks instead of Lego...
Watch Out for Written Warnings: 10,000 Euros for Errors in Advertising
An SUV and a Bratwurst lead to a fine of 10,000 euros. These two real damage events from the exali files show how the cases are connected and why even experienced agencies can fall into traps when it comes to advertising.