Über exali.com

Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

Applicable Law

German law shall apply to the professional indemnity insurance contract.


Markel Insurance SE is registered with BaFin (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht)) (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority) under register number 5211 and is a member of the GDV (Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V.) (German Insurance Association).

Contract Language

The contract language of the professional indemnity insurance contract is English. Likewise, all communication between you and the insurer or exali.com as your advisor takes place in English.

Jurisdiction for Legal Actions Against the Policyholder

Actions against the policyholder may be brought before the court with subject-matter jurisdiction in Athens, before the Greek court with subject-matter jurisdiction for the policyholder‘s place of residence or business, unless the court with subject-matter jurisdiction in Munich (Germany) is legally permissible.
However, mandatory statutory provisions on the jurisdiction of the court and the applicable law remain unaffected.

Jurisdiction for Legal Actions Against the Insurer Markel

The court with subject-matter jurisdiction in Athens shall have exclusive jurisdiction for actions against the insurer arising from this insurance contract, unless the court with subject-matter jurisdiction in Munich (Germany) is legally permissible.