Professional Indemnity Insurance for Photographers in the Czech Republic

Optimal Protection: Professional Indemnity for Digital Professions
- Infringement of personal rights and copyrights insured
- Publication risks secured by own content
- Protection against violations of trademark and license rights
- Comprehensive insurance concepts for your business
- insurance coverage in real time
- Personal support from our team of experts

Indemnity Insurance Seal for your Principals
- Individual and comprehensive insurance protection
- High coverage sums for financial losses
- No-claims evidence going back five years
Professional Indemnity for Digital Professions: Perfect for Czech Photographers
Professional Indemnity for Digital Professions provides ideal protection for Czech photographers. In the event of a damage event, the insurer handles everything – from the examination of the claims to payment of damages.
Why choose
- Talk to a real person - no call centre!
- We know what your daily worklife is like, meaning we know what you need
- Our insurance conditions are tailored to your business
- We handle your damages immediately
- We make sure that your insured damage event is also resolved!
- We also insure against unusual risks (e.g. contract liability, contract penalties)

When Pressing the Shutter Button Gets Expensive
Whether they are taking photos in public spaces, taking pictures of people and groups of people, vacant buildings or sights - professional photographers have to exercise particular caution. If the photos will be used commercially and published, the photographer needs to clarify an important question in advance: Am I even allowed to do that?
Otherwise it can lead to fines, injunctive relief and claims for compensation. Professional Indemnity for Photographers also covers claims due to the violation of copyright, trademark, license and personal rights.
Reviews for
Complex Law – Comprehensive Coverage
Media law is very complex: It is difficult to keep track of the constantly changing legal situation – especially when you have to take care of all aspects of your professional life yourself as a sole proprietor. In some cases even the experts do not agree on how to assess a situation. And damages can occur even when you exercise the utmost care while working. Comprehensive protection is provided through special Professional Indemnity Insurance for Photographers in the Czech Republic: our Professional Indemnity Insurance for Digital Professions. It combines all the insurance modules that make sense for freelance photographers and photography agencies. The liability insurance for photographers provides optimal coverage for all the challenges that the job description brings with it.