Additional Add-on for First-Party Cyber and Data Risks Insurance (FPC)
With this special add-on, you can protect your business against the incalculable risks of hacking, DoS attacks or other Internet crime (cyber crime).

Your Advantages with the FPC Add-on Module:
- Hacker damage to your own IT systems is protected
- Protection against ransomware attacks
- Assumption of the costs / additional costs in order to avoid or shorten a business interruption
- Costs for crisis management, specialised lawyers and computer forensics specialists included
- Easy to add
- 24-hour damage hotline
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Additional Add-on for First-Party Cyber and Data Risks Insurance (FPC)
The number of cyber attacks has been increasing continuously for years. And cyber criminals are getting more and more creative: Whether DDoS attacks, malware, data theft or illegal crypto mining - whoever becomes a victim of hackers faces an expensive experience that can often even threaten their very existence. Business estimates believe the total damage to companies in 2018 to have been around EUR 100 billion. These four examples show how the add-on module ‘First-Party Cyber and Data Risks Insurance’ (FPC) protects your business if you become a victim of cyber criminals:
Quickly and Easily Book the Add-on Module for your Professional Indemnity Insurance Now
FPC Add-on: Two Cases from the Field
Bitcoins Worth 5.000 Euros Stolen
This real damage event concerns an IT consultant who also handles business transactions using Bitcoins. He wanted to transfer funds from his Bitcoin wallet to his business account on a trading platform for cryptocurrencies. During the process, the programme reported an error to him and recommended an update for security reasons. After downloading it, the transaction was executed automatically. When the IT consultant restarted his wallet, he had a rude awakening: His antivirus software suddenly reported that he had been infected with malware. After looking into his ‘Bitcoin wallet’, he found that he was missing bitcoins worth around EUR 5.000. The alleged security update turned out to be a phishing attack. The result: The Bitcoins that the consultant wanted to transfer to his business account on the trading platform actually ended up with the cyber criminals. Fortunately, the IT consultant had chosen the FPC add-on module for his Professional Indemnity Insurance for Digital Professions. The insurer therefore hired a specialist company to clean up the systems and paid for the damage of around EUR 5.000.
Virus Horror for Blogger
In this case from the exali files, a blogger who runs several travel and lifestyle blogs noticed that the click-through rates of her blogs suddenly increased sharply within a week. At first she was happy about it, but shortly afterwards she received an email from Google. It stated that her sites contained too many links with a 404 ending, so the links led nowhere. As a result, her pages were penalised, slid down in the search results and hardly received any clicks. The blogger, who had taken out the Professional Indemnity Insurance for Digital Professions with the FPC add-on module, then contacted us. The insurer hired a specialist to find out what had happened: Two years earlier, hackers had already opened backdoor access to five blogs and manipulated content and links on the pages. This enabled the hackers to smuggle malware onto the website and redistribute it. However, the blogger was lucky and no injured parties contacted her who had caught malware through her pages. The insurer paid for cleaning up her blogs.
After you have selected your sum insured in the first step of the real-time calculator (basic coverage), you can select the FPC add-on module in the second step.